Dima Albitar Kalaji, born in Damascus in 1982, has been living in exile in Berlin since late 2013. She studied art and media in Damascus university. Author and Cultural Journalist, publishes essays and texts in various magazines and newspapers, with a focus on sociopolitics complexity in exile, and Syrian literature after 2011, Her texts and essays are published in the magazine “APuZ” of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, FAZ, Berliner Zeitung, she is a guest writer in “10 nach 8” on Zeit Online since 2016.
She has been working at the association WIR MACHEN DAS, as curator and Arabic language editor for the projects of “Weiter Schreiben” since 2017, and as artistic director of “Mapping Berlin / Damascus”, “Smell of Dictatorship”, ” Lebendiges Archiv – Umgang mit Diktatur” and and most recently “Weiter Schreiben-Intervention”. She has produced the bilingual podcasts “Syrmania” for Deutschlandfunk Kultur and “(W)Ortwechseln” in cooperation with rbbKultur.