Hanin Georgis is a trained actress, having graduated from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen in 2019. She comes from the Christian minority in Iraq but was born in Algeria in 1986 to Iraqi parents and arrived in Denmark at the age of five as a political refugee. She has appeared in the production SEX at Aveny-T, the DR television series Ulven kommer, the feature film Shorta, and in Den Allersidste Dans at Mungo Park. She made her playwriting debut with the successful production The Other Arab Woman at Blaagaard Teater in 2023, where she performed solo on stage. Hanin Georgis was awarded the Lauritzen Foundation’s ‘Believe in You’ prize in 2023 for her work on The Other Arab Woman. The production was restaged in May 2024 and is set for a tour across Denmark in 2025.